Please download the following referral slip. After filling out please fax it to us at (416) 222 - 9407. Please send dental radiographs as soon as you provide the referral to your patient

Dr. Natoosha Nargaski is a Canadian Board Certified Orthodontist. She specializes in the treatment of complex paediatric and adult tooth malalignment, underbite, overbite, tooth crowding and spacing. Patients and their families are always welcomed to a friendly environment focused on addressing their orthodontic concerns. Dr. Natoosha Nargaski treats patients using both fixed (braces) and removable orthodontic appliances (Invisalign©). She also serves as a clinical demonstrator and lecturer at the University of Toronto. For her biography, please click on the following link.
We ask that referring dentists complete a referral form to ensure our office is aware of where to refer back to for required auxiliary treatment and routine hygiene visits as all referred orthodontic patients must be seen and followed for routine care by their referring primary care provider.
We are conveniently located on the North-West corner of Yonge and Finch and are easily accessible via subway. Parking is available both underground in the Xerox tower as well as in the Green P parking lots across from our office. The following languages are spoken in our office: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Greek, Russian, Farsi, Armenian, Hindi and Gujarati. Dr. Nargaski herself can communicate in English and French as necessary.